Monday 2nd March 2020
Pharmacy contractors in Devon are advised to display new patient information posters about Covid-19 in places where they can be seen before patients enter their premises.
Three posters, made available by PHE on the 29 February 2020, cover general advice to patients, affected areas and more detailed information on the affected Italian towns and should replace any existing posters currently displayed at entrances to pharmacy premises and waiting areas.
There is a direct link to the posters on the PSNC website Download the posters from PSNC’s COVID-19 page
For more information
- COVD-19 information is sent directly to pharmacy premises specific NHS Mail account by the NHS England and NHS Improvement Regional Team. Please ensure this account is closely monitored for new information.
- Community pharmacies that have yet to set up an account should go to the NHS Registration website where they will be guided through the short process.
- Bookmark and regularly review these hyperlinks to official guidance from PHE and NHS England and NHS Improvement to ensure up-to-date knowledge and any changes to protocols:
- COVID-19: guidance for health professionalsuk updated every day.
- Standard operating procedures for primary care settings on the NHS website (Scroll down to access community pharmacy information)
Monday 2nd March 2020