Devon Smoking Cessation Training 2020

16th September 2020 9.15am - 4.45pm

Barnstaple Ruby Club


Smoking Cessation Training 2020

To book onto a course you will simply need to book via (if you are booking the 2 day course please ensure you book both days consecutively)

Session Refresher  Day 1 Advisor Training Day 2 Advisor Training Venue
Time (all 12.45pm-4.15pm) (all 9.15am-4.45pm) (all 9.15-4.45pm)  
2020 Wednesday  5th February Monday 3rd February Tuesday 4th February Basepoint Business Centre, Exeter
2020 Wednesday 6th May Monday 4th May Tuesday 5th May Courtnay Centre, Newton Abbot
2020 Thursday 17th September Tuesday 15th September Wednesday 16th September Barnstaple Ruby Club
2020 Thursday 19th November Tuesday 17th November Wednesday 18th November Basepoint Business Centre, Exeter