NMS (New Medicine Service)

New Medicines Service (NMS)
Full information Click here for full NMS information
Service specification Click here for the NMS service spec
Training requirements Pharmacists that will provide the service must have the necessary knowledge and skills to do so, with them assessing and declaring their competence by completing the NHS self-assessment form
Equipment required N/A
SOP Contractors must have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in place for the service. A template SOP can be downloaded from the NPA website

Updated NMS service specification

NHSE&I have today published an updated draft version of the New Medicine Service (NMS) service specification. This service specification is currently working its way through the NHSE&I publication approval process, and the final version will be published in due course.

The updated service specification reflects the expansion of the service, which was one of the agreed outcomes from negotiations for Year 3 of the CPCF.

Community pharmacy contractors meeting the requirements for the provision of the NMS can start providing the expanded service from today (1st September 2021).

Download the updated NMS service specification

The New Medicine Service (NMS) was the fourth Advanced Service to be added to the NHS community pharmacy contract; it commenced on 1st October 2011.

The service provides support for people with long-term conditions newly prescribed a medicine to help improve medicines adherence; it is initially focused on particular patient groups and conditions.

An  e-learning package is now available at CPPE New Medicines Service e-learning programme : https://www.cppe.ac.uk/programmes/l/nms-e-01

Support Material:

Guidance for hospital pharmacists, doctors, nurses and NHS managers working in secondary care about community pharmacy services.

Guidance for community pharmacists about how to engage with hospital colleagues.

A standardised referral form that hospital pharmacists and others can complete when a patient is discharged.  This includes a feedback section that community pharmacists can send back to the referrer when they have asked for feedback.

A Leaflet (which can be amended for local use) for patients who are leaving hospital which outlines the services that they can receive from their community pharmacy.


NMS Antidepressant Pilot – Selected pharmacies only

We are still waiting for the national template of the reporting processes, and hoping to start the pilot early in the new year (2023). We are expecting that a webinar will be arranged to walk you through the process. There are training requirements – it would be great if as much of the training is in place and completed prior to go live as possible.


Training will be required for all Community Pharmacies involved in the pilot; this will include the following:-

  • CPPE – Consulting with people with mental health problems
  • Royal College of Psychiatrists – Antidepressants
  • Royal College of Psychiatrists – Anxiety, panic and phobias
  • Scenario based education videos
