Clinical Governance

Schedule 4 of the NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013 set out the ‘Terms of Service of NHS pharmacists in four parts.  Part 2 are the Essential services, Part 3 are the Hours of opening provisions, and Part 4 set out the other terms of service, which includes Clinical Governance.  Adherence with the clinical governance requirements is thus a part of the terms of service.

The clinical governance requirements of the community pharmacy contractual framework (CPCF) cover a range of quality related issues detailed below.

Changes agreed to the community pharmacy contractual framework in September 2014 include amendment of the clinical audit and patient safety incident reporting requirements. The amended requirements will be detailed in an updated version of the CPE and NHS Employers guidance on clinical governance. Prior to publication of that updated guidance, further information on the changes can be found in CPE Briefing 015/14.
