Discharge Medicines Service (DMA) Training event
23rd March 2021 7.30pm - 9pm
This event is aimed at community pharmacy teams who face onto the North Devon District Hospital
With only 10% of older patients admitted to hospital staying on the same medication, the need for community pharmacy to support medication reconciliations post-discharge to enhance patient safety has never been greater. Devon LPC has partnered with the six acute trusts across the county to provide a platform for community pharmacies to receive discharge referrals from the new nationally commissioned essential service the ‘Discharge Medication Service’ or DMS. This evening virtual event will equip you and your pharmacy teams with everything you need to know about:
What the service is
How it needs to be recorded
How you will be funded for the service
The partnership work between the LPC and your local hospitals
At the evening there will also be representation from the acute trust(s) as well as some PCN members. The training seeks to equip you with all the tools you need to bring this to life in your pharmacy, being paid equitably to provide care which greatly improves patient safety.
Wednesday 17th March 2021 – 7.30pm – 9.00pm
Using Zoom
Details of the joining instructions for the Zoom meeting will be emailed out to those who have booked a place a couple of days before the event to the email address used to book a place.
To book a place use the online booking system https://tinyurl.com/y9qhca46
Administration for these events is being undertaken by Kathryn Jones admin@devon.communitypharmacy.org.uk