Discharge Medicines Service event – Hold the date – 14th July 2021
14th July 2021 7.30pm - 9pm
Virtually using Zoom
With only 10% of older patients admitted to hospital staying on the same medication, the need for community pharmacy to support medication reconciliations post-discharge to enhance patient safety has never been greater. Devon LPC has partnered with Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, Devon Partnership Trust, the RD&E and NDHT to provide a platform for community pharmacies to receive discharge referrals from the nationally commissioned essential service the ‘Discharge Medication Service’ or DMS. The Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust is planning to go live with the service during week commencing the 19th July 2021.
We are holding a virtual Zoom event to equip you and your pharmacy teams with everything you need to know about:
- What the service is
- How it needs to be recorded
- How you will be funded for the service
- The partnership work between the LPC and your local hospital(s)
The date is Wednesday 14th July 2021, start time 7.30 pm until 9.00 pm.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
At the evening there will also be representation from the acute trust, the LPC, DPT and Pinnacle as well as some PCN members. The training seeks to equip you with all the tools you need to bring this to life in your pharmacy, providing care which greatly improves patient safety.