Maximising Dispensing Income – Helping Contractors Succeed In Difficult Times with Liam Stapleton
8th May 2019 7.15pm - 7.30pm
Exeter Court Hotel, Kennford, Exeter EX6 7UX
Pharmacy businesses are facing many challenges, decreasing margins, increasing costs, increasing complexity and so many problems with stock. Pharmacy teams are struggling to keep their heads above water. it often feels like they just need to runf aster on the hamster wheel.
Devon LPC invites you to the Maximising Dispensing Income workshop. The workshop will give you the opportunity to identify ways to improve the profitability of your dispensary business. It will help you make a plan to avoid losses and maximise margin in the dispensing process.
The workshop is suitable for pharmacists, prereg and all members of the dispensing team from independent and multiple pharmacies.
In the workshop we will cover
- Reduci8ng loses and maximising income from the dispensing business,
- Understanding key rules from the Drug Tariff,
- Effectively monitoring your business to plan for the future, and
- Maximising income from all sources.
The workshop will be delivered by Liam Stapleton from Metaphor Development Ltd. he has worked with LPCs across England to provide workshops to help community pharmacies operate more profitably and has experience of working in senior roles with pharmacy multiples and the NPA
To book your places please use the online booking system link;