Update training for Supervised Consumption and the Needle & Syringe Provision Scheme
30th January 2019 7pm for a light buffet
St Sidwell's Community Centre, Exeter EX4 6NN
Public Health would like to invite you come to an evening to look at the community pharmacy supervised consumption and needle and syringe provision.
The events will be led by a pharmacist, the new Together Drug & Alcohol Service, the commissioners and the new needle and syringe provider, Orion Medical. The training will focus on harm reduction as, nationally and locally, there is an increasing number of drug related deaths and an increased complexity in our injecting drug-using population. The session will also cover best practice to improve engagement with some of the most socially excluded people in Devon and Torbay. The intention is to have a mix of presentations with practical discussions and Q&As.
Contact Francesca Reed by email: Francesca.reed@devon.gov.uk Tel: 01392 380751
A maximum of two per pharmacy please.