The University of Southampton will fund pharmacies to assist them with an Acne Care Online Study
An Acne Care Online study is being run by the University of Southampton. It is aiming to create and test a new digital programme to support 13-25 year olds with acne to effectively manage their acne using evidence-based treatments. It’s a web-app that can be accessed from any internet-connected device, and has been developed in close collaboration with young people with acne.
Acne Care Online is now being tested in a randomised controlled trial, aiming to recruit approximately 600 13-25 year olds from a range of routes. One of these is via community pharmacy and the university is looking for community pharmacies who would be keen to support the study with recruitment.
This would involve distributing study advert flyers to appropriate customers and patients – i.e those coming in for advice or treatment for acne, or collecting acne-relevant medications. There is a payment of £150 per pharmacy, and all study materials are provided. The university will be able to notify pharmacies of their pharmacy-specific contribution to recruitment.
For further information click here and for the flyer click here.
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