Devon LPC Annual General Meeting
Friday 9th October 2020
Virtually using Zoom
Please register here to attend. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Devon LPC Annual Report 2019-20
- 7.00pm Join the meeting
- 7.15pm Welcome and Introductions
- Devon LPC Annual General Meeting – presentation of the LPC annual report and accounts for 2019-20
- 7.40pm Jo Watson, Head of Medicines Optimisation, Devon CCG
- 7.45pm Guest Speaker, Simon Dukes, Chief Executive of PSNC presenting on the learnings for community pharmacy from the COVID-19 pandemic and what is next for the future contract and the direction of community pharmacy, to also include any update on the latest position on the outcomes of the Wright Review.
- 8.15pm Questions & Answers session
Friday 9th October 2020