Electronic Repeat Dispensing
Practices in Devon are being encouraged to optimise the benefits of Electronic Prescription Services (EPS) in
two key ways:
• Switching patients still receiving paper prescriptions to EPS.
• Utilising electronic repeat dispensing (eRD) for suitable patients.
The SW Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) has developed a five-part bite sized series of webinars to
share learning and best practice; they are for General Practice: Doctors, Nurse Prescribers, Specialist
prescribers, Practice managers, Practice Pharmacists, Prescription Clerk, PCN Pharmacists, Community
Dates are:
• 25 June 2020 – The benefits of eRD based on experience from GP and CCG colleague
• 2 July 2020 – Using eRD to drive effective care planning
• 8 July 2020 – eRD, System collaboration and eRD Care homes
• 16 July 2020 – Repeat of the first webinar
• 23rd July 2020 – Benefits and challenges of increasing eRD for Community pharmacies and system
wide collaboration
The first three webinars will be discussing on what needs to happen in practices to create an effective
implementation and use of eRD; the fifth is aimed at community pharmacy to support community
pharmacists refresh their knowledge and to get the best from the increase in eRD anticipated. However,
community pharmacists or members of their teams are more than welcome to join the earlier webinars.
Find more detail and booking information here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/easing-prescribingworkloadmaking-the-most-of-electronic-repeat-dispensing-registration-107798578450