FREE Valuable CPD for Pharmacists
Devon LPC would like to make you aware of some fantastic CPD opportunities available for pharmacists over the next few months. The LPC has worked with the Devon Training Hub (CEPN) to secure funding for training and development, and as a result the following courses are being offered free of charge to support our pharmacy network.
Acute Assessment of Minor Illness for Pharmacists
Three, one-day courses, which you can pick and choose from – you can book for one, two or all three days. Each day is also being offered in two locations (Exeter and Plymouth) so you have a choice of dates too.
Starting with basic vital signs, the three days aim to firstly help you build on the CPPE training around sepsis which you may have undertaken for the community pharmacy quality scheme. Following on from this, a range of different topics will be covered, enhancing your confidence when dealing with CPCS referrals or in a practice environment, depending upon your role. These training days seek to provide a safe space to build confidence around basic examination skills, which you can take away and apply to your daily practice. Each day is self-contained and can be attended without prior preparation. All three together form a basic minor illness and examinations suite of training or can be attended individually as outlined above.
Day 1 – Exeter 14th June 2020 or Plymouth 23rd February 2020
Day 1 will cover vital signs – BP, Temp, pulse, O2 sats (what’s normal and what’s not)
Urine dipping (to dip or not to dip?), Sepsis and NEWS2 (when to refer and who to)
Neuro examination
Day 2 – Exeter 15th March 2020 or Plymouth 29th March 2020
Day 2 covers dermatology including children’s eczema and emollients, common rashes, lumps and bumps, shingles (differential between simple and complex)
Red flags for children
Day 3 – Exeter 3rd May 2020 or Plymouth 26th April 2020
Day 3 covers ENT, chest examination and Red Flags
The days booked do not need to be taken sequentially
To book for the Minor Illness courses:
- Go to Devon Training Hub’s website at
- Register with the Hub for a FREE account (not a Member Account)
- Under organisation – type in Devon LPC, then go to courses and events and scroll down to the event you want to book for. (don’t be alarmed if you get an email saying you are now a staff member of Devon LPC – this is just for booking for these events!)
- Then book for each day individually
- Alternatively just email
All of these events include lunch and are FREE!
Don’t let the process put you off booking a place.