Annual Contractors Meeting 11th October 2021
Devon LPC will be holding their Annual Contractors Meeting on 11th October 2021 at 7.15pm using Zoom. Those wishing to attend are asked to register for the event using the invitation on the agenda.
Guest speakers will be Paul Johnson, Clinical Chair NHS Devon CCG; Medical Director, Devon ICS. who will speak about the Insight into the development of the Devon Integrated Care System and what this means for community pharmacy services and Alastair Buxton, PSNC Director of NHS Services who will speak about the 3 Year CPCF agreement – The Hypertension Case Finding Advanced Service.
Voting papers have been sent to CCA and AIMp contacts as per the list supplied by PSNC and also independent contractors. Forms to be returned by the 8th October 2021
- CCA Voting Form
- Independent Contractor Voting Form
- Annual Report & Financial Accounts 2020-21
- Annual Accounts 2020-21
- LPC-Constitution Proposed amendment October 2021