Upcoming Smoking Cessation Training for Devon Pharmacies only
All Community Pharmacies should already be aware that the specialist stop smoking cessation service in the Devon County Council area is now provided through Stop4Life. As part of the service, their team also provide training for all in-house Stop Smoking Advisors including providing new CO monitors if required.
If your pharmacy is accredited to provide the locally commissioned (by Devon County Council) Smoking Cessation Service in Devon please see check out the first set of sessions available for Level 2 training, refresher training and MECC. Dates should have been emailed out directly to previously listed advisors but the information held by Stop4Life is unlikely to be up to date. If you have new members of staff that you would like to have trained as level 2 advisors please book them into one of the available courses or contact Stop4Life direct.
To contact Stop4Life, please either call their service number or email them using their NHS email.
Call: 0800 122 3866
Email: stopforlifedevon@nhs.net