NHS Service Finder

Service Finder for healthcare professionals

Get accurate service information quickly through the NHS Service finder. (https://finder.directoryofservices.nhs.uk/#/login)

PSNC have highlighted a new video about the service on their news section

The free online tool enables healthcare professionals to search for different types of service, look u a service by name or address, or use clinical keywords.

The service is clinically reviewed to provide up to date information from the Directory of Services (DoS) and NHS.uk which can also signpost the patient to self-help and finding the right appropriate service.

This includes non-public contact numbers and information on who is eligible for the service, along with patient referral information,

Quick access to real-time service information means

  • more time available for patient care
  • increased awareness of the range of services available
  • the ability to shift to lower acuity services where appropriate
  • Supporting admission avoidance and easing the pressure on emergency departments in order to spread demand across the healthcare system more evenly. This is a key element in supporting the 111 First programme and impending winter pressures

You can also access support materials through the Help link in the website header which includes a ‘What is NHS Service finder?’ video.  You can also view a short promotional video or visit a You Tube channel here.

Register with your NHS email address and get immediate access to the service once you have verified your email.