Discharge Medicines Service (DMS)
NHS – Essential Service | DMS | ||
Full information | Click here for full information | ||
DMS Toolkit | Click here for toolkit | ||
Training requirements | As a minimum, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who will provide the service should: 1. Read the section on DMS within the NHS England guidance on the regulations; and 2. Read the DMS toolkit. Additionally, it is recommended that they also complete the CPPE NHS Discharge Medicines Service eLearning and assessment. Once a pharmacist or pharmacy technician has undertaken appropriate learning related to the service, they must complete the DMS Declaration of Competence and provide a copy of that to the pharmacy contractor. Other members of staff that will play a part in supporting provision of the service should be briefed on the service, with appropriate training provided for any roles they will play. The following document can be used in briefing sessions for pharmacy team members: Click here |
SOP | Contractors must have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the service, which all staff participating in provision of the service must be familiar with and follow. The SOP should include the process for checking, on a regular basis, for new DMS referrals.
The National Pharmacy Association have developed a template DMS SOP for their members: Click here |
VirtualOutcomes have a free online training module available for all staff:
Service Information and Documentation
- CPE Website
- Download the DMS Toolkit
- Download a copy of the DMS Contractor checklist
- Frequently Asked Questions
- DMS Letter to Community Pharmacy Teams 15 February 2021
- CPE Discharge Medicines Service worksheet
- https://www.choiceandmedication.org/devon/
- NHS Discharge Medicines Service (DMS) Toolkit for Pharmacy Staff in Community, Primary and Secondary Care.
- Presentation from Community Pharmacy Devon event held on 17 March 2021
- links to the PharmOutcomes videos that can go alongside the Community Pharmacy Devon presentation,
- Write up DMS Masterclass Held in Exeter and Torbay on the 5th and 12th July 2023
- FAQS DMS Held in Exeter and Torbay on the 5th and 12th July 2023
The toolkit aims to assist and support cross sector implementation of the DMS as an Essential service in all NHS community pharmacies in England. It sets out the shared responsibilities and roles of pharmacy teams in community pharmacy, NHS Trusts and Primary Care Networks (PCNs) in ensuring patient safety, better patient outcomes and medicines reconciliation on discharge.
In preparation for the DMS becoming a new Essential service within the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) from 15th February 2021, contractors should review their staff training and competence to ensure relevant staff, including pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, who will be involved in providing the service, have the necessary knowledge and competence to undertake it safely.
In addition, contractors are reminded that they must also have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the service, which all staff participating in provision of the service must be familiar with and follow.